
Welcome to SocietalGlitch, where we teach and mentor you in personal consumer finance, practical wealth, sustainable living, technology, and wellness. We exist to teach people how to reject the claims made by advertisers, identify the lies of the world, and live with contentment and fulfillment in their daily lives. Join us while we discover, explore, and promote counter-cultural living. We are here to help you, your family, and your community to live a sustainable lifestyle.

We believe the trappings and pitfalls of American culture are insidiously tearing at the fabric of the family unit. Consumerism being one of the largest trappings, we seek to educate only those who want to learn how to live counter to the culture and break away from the shackles of the masses.

We do not teach or subscribe to get-rich-quick methods. While those may exist, they lead to burnout through an unsustainable lifestyle. We teach primarily through Kaizen, a methodology of small steps toward continuous improvement. At SocietalGlitch, we have over twenty years of experience in corporate information technology, small business, homeschooling, and family management.